After our birthday lunch at Arnie's, Claire, Kellie, and I always head over to the Waterfront Antique Mall and browse to our heart's content. We are always on the lookout for Scandinavian items, and I was thrilled to find this very Norwegian pull-out sewing box. Poor Kellie; she had spied it first but passed it up after looking at the price. What she missed was the 75% off signs for that particular vendor! Fortunately, I didn't miss the signs :-).
I love this handled container with the faded roosters. They were such a popular motif in the 50's and 60's. The best part was that it was purchased at Kress; the price tag was still attached. We had a Kress in Ballard when I was growing up.
Truly the best purchase of the day was this book by Edith M. Patch, published in 1934. I had never heard of her but later learned that she was an entomologist and had a great love for nature. Long before Silent Spring came out she warned against the "indiscriminate use of pesticides." In addition to her scientific work she wrote children's nature books. Looking through this book before knowing anything about the author, it was interesting to note that the book had photographs as well as drawings.
This seemed unusual for a children's book. After reading about Dr. Patch, it made sense that she wanted to be very accurate in her depiction of wildlife on Holiday Hill. It was a delight to read.
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