Monday, June 1, 2009


Recently, I was given a lovely collection of sea glass. A friend had collected them while wintering in Puerto Rico. I was so touched by this gift and wanted to make her something to show my appreciation. Margie from Resurrection Fern posted a tutorial last month on crocheting a merfish necklace, using either a smooth stone or sea glass. I've admired her merfish for months now and was thrilled to be able to crochet one myself. After it's creation I took my little merfish out for a photo shoot.

I'll soon be saying goodbye to this little sea creature but look forward to making more.


Diane said...

Beautiful!! What a clever idea and I love the photo shoot. If you were ever to sell them on the web, that's sure the way to show them off!

Nancy said...

Thanks, Pal! These will only be destined as gifts :-)

jehan said...

That's great! You are so talented :)